Organ donation campaign “Du entscheidest” enters third round with Jürgen Vogel, Tomatolix and Marti Fischer

To mark Organ Donation Day on June 4, the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care is launching a large-scale influencer campaign. This year’s motto: Du entscheidest! Organspende? Deine Wahl. [You decide! Organ donation? Your choice.]

In Germany, the rule is: organ donation is only possible if a person has given their consent during their lifetime or if their relatives have given their consent on their behalf. The campaign attacks exactly here: Say “yes,” say “no,” but make a decision and hold on to it.

Influencers and celebrities who actively support organ donation are also present: Presenter Markus Kavka interviews actor and organ donation activist Jürgen Vogel and Ivan Klasnić. The former professional soccer player has been living with a donor kidney for years. Multi-talented Marti Fischer contributes an organ donation song. YouTuber Tomatolix talks to patients and doctors in a detailed report. The YouTubers from “Senioren zocken” play an organ donation game. And influencer Sophie Laurent talks about the topic on Instagram with her alter ego.

The films are published on the channels of the celebrities and influencers and supported by a social media campaign of the ministry. Interested parties are thus guided to the site, where they can find additional information and facts about organ donation.

"With the last two campaigns, we were able to reach many people and encourage a factual discussion of the topic of organ donation. I am pleased that we are continuing along this path this year and are thus coming closer to our goal - to make it easier for each individual to make a personal decision to donate an organ."
Klaus Holetschek - Bavarian Minister of Health

The need for action is still great: over 9,000 people in Germany are waiting for a life-saving organ, and every day three people die whose lives would have been saved by a donation. At the same time, too many – 61 percent – still do not have an organ donor card.*

*Source: German Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA).

"The campaign is a project close to our hearts, because organ donation concerns us all. At C3, we are actively setting an example and are therefore changing our claim from "Creating what matters" to "Donating what matters". We are also educating our employees and distributing organ donation cards at all our German locations."
Peter Kasza - Executive Director
Campaign link
Download Press release
Peter Kasza, Director Motion bei C3

Executive Director