
Information provided in accordance with § 5 of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz – TMG)

C3 Creative Code and Content GmbH Heiligegeistkirchplatz 1 10178 Berlin Tel. +49 (0)30 44032-0

Managing directors

Adel Gelbert (CEO), Karsten Krämer (COO), Lisa Sieben, Anna-Katharina Lohre. Commercial register: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg Commercial register number: HRB 81360 B VAT registration number: DE 217652478 Person responsible according to the German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag – RStV) (§ 55, Paragraph 2): Karsten Krämer, Heiligegeistkirchplatz 1, 10178 Berlin ©2022 C3 Creative Code and Content GmbH

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